Getting Started
I’m not able to register. Can you help?
If you are trying to register but having issues, you can email us to get some assistance. Please make sure that if you are a team member, that your team captain has already registered and paid the team registration fee. Members can only register after the captain has created and paid for the team.
Is there a registration fee?
Yes, for a team of four to six the registration fee is $750. This is to cover event related costs and must be paid in full by the team captain when they register the team entry.
To take part in the RFDS Plane Pull, do I need to fundraise?
When you sign up for the Plane Pull challenge, a fundraising page will be automatically created for you.
It's through the support of your fundraising that the RFDS can continue to deliver vital healthcare across Australia.
We're here to help you every stpe of the way and we will be sending out useful tips and tools via email over the coming weeks to support your fundraising. Please reply to one of our emails if you have any other questions.
Is there a minimum amount I have to raise?
Every dollar you raise will help keep the Flying Doctor flying. How awesome would it be if you reached your target! If you're stuck on how to boost your fundraising total please reach out to us! We are more than happy to help brainstorm some ideas with you!
It’s only through the support of your fundraising that the RFDS can continue to deliver vital healthcare across Queensland. Click here to learn more about the impact the funds you raise can have for outback Queenslanders.
Can I change my fundraising target?
If you would like to change your target at any point, you can do this by logging into your dashboard here and then go to the tab ‘Edit My Page’. You will see under this section you can update the field ‘Fundraising Target’. Then just scroll down and click ‘Save Changes’.
How can I add cash donations?
The best thing to do with cash donations is to collect the cash and the details of the donor, then jump directly onto your fundraising page and process the donation under their name using your card. Then a receipt will be sent to them for tax purposes. It's better to do this on the front-end of your fundraising page rather than in the back-end of your dashboard.
Can I fundraise just on Facebook?
First you have register on the RFDS Plane Pull website. Once you have completed your registration, you will have access to your fundraising dashboard. From there, just click the button to create a Facebook Fundraiser.
As long as your Facebook Fundraiser is created from within your dashboard then the funds raised there will be added to the total on your Plane Pull page. Funds raised through the RFDS Plane Pull website won't show up on your Facebook Fundraiser.
There may be a slight time delay in the funds showing up on your fundraising page.
Why is my Facebook Fundraiser different to my RFDS Plane Pull fundraising page?
By creating a Facebook fundraiser you are essentially creating a second fundraising page.
As long as your Facebook fundraiser is created from your RFDS Plane Pull dashboard, then the funds raised through Facebook will be added to the total on your page. The donations will show up as a 'Facebook Donation' on your page.
Funds raised through the Plane Pull website won't show up on your Facebook fundraiser, so this is why there is a difference between the two.
There may be a slight time delay in the funds showing up on your Fundraising page.
How do I get a QR code for my page?
You can get your QR code by logging into your dashboard here and then go to the tab 'Get Support'. You will see under this section there is a button, 'QR CODE', if you click this button, it will generate a QR code for your page.
Do I need an Authority to Fundraise letter?
By creating a fundraising page, you are accepting the terms and conditions and once your fundraising page as been created, this is your authority to fundraise.
The Cause
What will my fundraising support?
Every two minutes, someone needs the Royal Flying Doctor Service (RFDS)! RFDS delivers emergency medical and primary health care to remote, rural and regional communities, many of whom don't have any other healthcare access.
RFDS has been saving lives in rural and remote Queensland for 96 years. Delivered by a dedicated team of professionals, using the latest in aviation, medical and communications technology, and supported by a vast number of volunteers and supporters, the RFDS provides a lifeline for those that live, work and travel in rural and remote Queensland.
How do I contact the RFDS Plane Pull team?
We’re here to help!
Please contact us on and we will get back to you!
I’ve forgotten my username and/or password, what should I do?
If you're trying to log in but can't remember your password, click the "Forgot Password?" link on the login screen, here. Enter your email address and we'll send you a link to reset your password. Please make sure you check your junk in case the reset email goes in there!
If this doesn't work for you, please contact us at and we will get back to you within 24-48 hours.
I was a donor and need access to my tax receipts, how can I get them?
If you have made a donation in the past or have sponsored someone taking part in the RFDS Plane Pull event, you can enter your email address and access your tax receipts here.
Are donations tax-deductible?
A tax-deductible donation is any donation over $2 that was not given in exchange for good or services.
Examples of payments that are not tax-deductible include:
- Registration fees
- Postage fees
- Purchases of raffle tickets
- Any funds donated from outside of Australia
When do registrations officially open?
Registrations are open now! We look forward to welcoming you and can't wait to see you and your team pull together for the RFDS!
Is there a sizing chart for the T-shirts?
The t-shirts are unisex sizing and below is a guide for the sizes:
We're here to help!
Please contact us on and we will get back to you!